Staking serves as the primary value accrual strategy in Vimverse.
Users stake their VIM tokens on the Vimverse platform to earn rebase rewards, which are derived from treasury income. The rewards can fluctuate based on the number of VIM tokens staked within the protocol and the reward rate determined by monetary policy.
When users stake, they lock their VIM tokens and receive an equivalent amount of sVIM.
Their sVIM balance automatically rebases upward at the end of every epoch (8 hours per epoch). sVIM is transferable and compatible with other DeFi protocols.
Upon unstaking, users burn their sVIM and obtain an equal quantity of VIM tokens.
Unstaking results in the forfeiture of the upcoming rebase reward. It is important to note that the forfeited reward only applies to the unstaked amount; any remaining staked VIM will continue to receive rebase rewards.
Last updated