
Looking ahead, Vimverse has an ambitious roadmap for the upcoming months, filled with exciting milestones and new releases.

Milestone 1: Vimverse Core Feature Launch - Dec 2023

  • Vimverse platform goes live with core features, including staking, bonding, PMMM

  • Comprehensive document describing platform architecture and components

  • Audit report for the Vimverse platform completed

  • Launchpad readiness.

  • Initial GameFi Project INO: Energy Crisis

  • Vim Bridge V1 Launch

Milestone 2: Configurable LaaS launch – Jan 2024

  • Configurable Liquidity-as-a-service feature launched, allowing other projects to access PMMM

  • GameFi project INO: Woof Woof West

Milestone 3: NFT Marketplace Launch – Feb 2024

  • NFT marketplace launch

  • Vim Bridge V2

  • GameFi project INO: BataMars

  • DAO governance feature for user involvement in Vimverse platform decisions

Last updated